Couples and Relationships
Couples and Relationships
When we get married, most of us believe that our love will be enough to get us through the difficult times in life and especially our marriage. Over time, problems may arise. There may be external stressors such as moves, long hours at work, unemployment, a sick child, struggles with extended family, or financial problems that put significant strain on a marriage. Many people think that their marriage is doomed if it is “bad” enough to go for counseling. The truth is that many couples wait too long to get help for their marriage. In marital counseling couples can learn new tools for improved communication and managing their conflict and are likely to have a better understanding of the role that they play in their ongoing struggles. Even in the most difficult of circumstances, couples can find healing and enjoy a healthy, rewarding relationship with each other.If you are concerned about your marriage, and your spouse won’t come to counseling with you, then you may find counseling as an individual to be helpful. There are many things you can work on that may bring more peace and enjoyment for you in your marriage. It is not unusual for one partner to go for counseling before their spouse is ready to participate.