We have 5 ways that we are receiving information from the world around us. What we see, touch, taste, hear, and smell affect how we feel.
Filtering what you see in the news and make sure you are following facts will help calm stress and anxiety. Consider enjoying the sunshine and nature as a great scene. The more you see peace, the more you feel peace.
Consider how much touch, makes us feel better. During a time of social distancing, consider experiencing touch in other ways. A warm bath can be a great substitute, as well as enjoying the feeling of wind or sunshine!
Do you see a trend? Going outside is a great intervention to help with anxiety and unusual amounts of stress!
Make sure that you are indulging your taste buds as well. A warm cup of tea, (I like chamomile and Earl Grey) will soothe and calm. Consuming warm liquids is also a recommendation from the CDC! Think about what you like to eat and allow yourself a treat (not too many), juicy fruits and vegetables are my go-to! Taking a moment to experience the taste and texture of your food will provide a moment of calm mindfulness.
What we hear also affects our mood. Instead of listening to sad sounds, listen to some of your favorite upbeat, happy music. Consider the messages that you are hearing and filter what you allow to enter your world.
Finally, we what we smell has a significant impact on our mood as well. Essential oils can alter our moods for the better. Lavender is known to have properties to help you relax and even sleep better. But during the time of sickness, eucalyptus, sage, peppermint, and others have been shown to be beneficial.