Brene Brown says, “Unused creativity is not benign. It metastasizes. It turns into grief, rage, judgement, sorrow, shame.” We have to find a way to create, and not care what others think. “I'm not very creative” doesn't work. There's no such thing as creative people and non-creative people. There are only people who use their creativity and people who don't.
I don’t think creativity has to fit into specific parameters. For some people, being creative is being able to paint, draw, sing, or play an instrument. So when they are not good at any of these creative activities, they don’t consider themselves creative. Think about what you create, change, improve, initiate in your life. I have seen people who use their lawn as a palette. Hairdressers do it with each head of hair. Tattooist tattoo.
I find that time fades when I’m in that zone. It’s just me and Springsteen music in the room. I’m not ruminating on that guy at work I want to get hit by a bus. I’m not fighting with the wife, work stuff, deadlines etc… I look up and two hours have disappeared.
I also like the surprises. When you meet people, and you find out that they do things you would not expect. I recall the Susan Boyle audition on Britain’s Got Talent. Who knew? I have done things that I really like that do not illicit much excitement or attention, but every once in a while someone will say, “That’s cool. I see what you did there.”
So go needle point, work on your novel, collect flags, quilt, rap, bonsai sculpture, or calligraph to your little heart's content.
Ten guideposts for wholehearted living. Brené Brown. (2021, November 10). Retrieved February 18, 2022, from