Mindfulness: Practice Leads to Transformation Not Perfection

May 3, 2022 By Admin
Samaritan providers focus on treating the mind, body, and spirit. In thinking in terms of mind, body, and spirit, I began to search for daily practices for myself and my clients to keep this triad healthy.
I stumbled upon a book written by Dr. Shauna Shapiro, Phd. titled, Good Morning I Love You. It was one of the most memorable books I've read concerning the topic of Mindfulness and the use of Mindfulness Meditation.

In her book, Dr. Shapiro takes us on a journey through her own life struggles and how she used mindfulness as a coping response. Her journey began with being diagnosed with a debilitating spine disorder and the meeting of monks in Thailand at the Monastery Behind the Waterfall. She goes on to discuss her 20 years of research into practicing mindfulness and mindfulness meditation and its positive physiological effects on the body. What she found is that transformation is possible with repeated practice and that we can become good at whatever we practice but not reach perfection.

She was told by her teacher in Thailand that "What we practice grows stronger." and we should ask to ask ourselves "What do we want to practice? What do we want to grow?"

If you want to grow healthy mind, body, and spirt, I recommend Mindfulness. You could start by viewing Dr. Shauna Shapiro's 13 minute video on YouTube titled

The Power of Mindfulness: What We Practice Grows Stronger.



Cecil Stimits received his MS in Counseling from Our Lady of the Lake University in San Antonio, Texas. Cecil has a long history in the mental health field after working as the Mental Health Manager at The University of Texas Medical Branch for 13-years and hospitals for 16 years. He has been with Samaritan Counseling Center as a Licensed Professional Counselor for 4 years now. Cecil's goal in session is to help clients improve their coping abilities with lie stressors and their overall quality of life. A fun fact about Cecil is that he has a BS in Agriculture and his favorite hobby is farming! Cecil is inspired by people who are nice, positive, and are motivated in achieving their goals.

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